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Hi there!

I have a special calling: I love working with bright and curious people who feel like they SHOULD be grateful and joyous and don’t understand why they often ACTUALLY feel crappy.

I know what that’s like because that was me, too.

Since young adulthood, I’ve worked super hard for my mental health. I’ve been to plenty of therapists, I’ve made art, I’ve practiced Tibetan Buddhism, I’ve hiked my ass off, I’ve journaled, I’ve done somatic work, body work, Eastern medicine. I could go on, but I’ll spare you!

Yes, those practices have helped. Most certainly they’re part of my forever-toolkit. But—to be real—for me the key to deep and lasting change has been AEDP therapy.

AEDP is a mouthful, to be sure! Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy.

The experiential piece is a huge component to the kind of deep change I’m talking about (there’s a great article by Hendel: What is the Difference Between Conventional Talk Psychotherapy and Experiential Psychotherapy?).

With this kind of therapy, we slow things down enough to be able to take a look at what’s happening on an experiential level. To make room for feelings that have been habitually batted away. To start to build up a fresh sense of self from the ground up.

Feel free to reach out to see how we might work together!