
AEDP Therapy

Change from the get-go.

I practice a type of therapy called AEDP, which stands for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. Here’s why I love it and why you might, too. With AEDP, we’re:

  • Paying attention to where there’s hope and resilience, not simply and solely drudging up painful material. Yes, therapy is hard work, but it doesn’t have to be painful.

  • Not trying to shove your lifelong protections and strategies out of the way. Instead, using curiosity and understanding to make room for new strategies.

  • Support in you actually feeling different and growing that, not just talking about your issues in circles.

  • Help with sticking with hard topics by knowing your therapist is actually there with you, step by step, making sure all is well.

Hilary Jacobs Hendel has a great article that illuminates what makes AEDP different.